Saturday 17 October 2009


Obvio que a mi no me va a pasar. Cuántas veces escuché (leí) que no hay que llevar calados a una reunión de tejedoras. Que te equivocás, que después tenés que destejer... Pero yo soy recanchera, a mi no me va a pasar.

Obviously it doesn't apply to me. How many times did I read that you don't take lace to a stitch and bitch. You make mistakes, you have to frog... But I'm so above the rest of you lousy knitters, it's not gonna happen to me, hear?

Ehhh, por qué esta foto de Swallowtail enmarañado y sin agujas? Adivinen...
Errrr, why is this Swallowtail all tangled up and off the needles? Wanna guess?

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