How do you like this dickie? It's obviously not meant to be worn on top of a camisole, as in the picture. But imagine it under a heavy winter coat, in the midst of winter: Brrr

La lana es deliciosa, suave como ulito de bebé, nunca tuve un tejido tan suavecito (salvo mi Saroyan, que está tejido con la misma lana).
The yarn is so delicious, soft as a baby bum. I've never had another knit so soft (except for Saroyan, knit with the same yarn)
Acá te pongo una foto intrascendente del detalle del punto.
Here's my usual gratuitous close up Shot.

Y así se ve planito, planito.
And a flat image.

Hilado / Yarn: Cashmere Feel de Milana Hilados, aprox. 150 gramos, o algo más de media madeja.
Agujas /Needles: 5 mm
Patrón / Pattern: Burning Embers, Knitty Winter 2009