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Friday, 27 February 2009
Tweed verde / Green tweed
I'm knitting this green tweed sweater for my brother on 5 mm circulars.
No sé exactamente qué hilado es, aunque parece tener bastante lana. Tampoco se cuánto tengo, pero sé que es suficiente por es un reciclado de otro pull que le había tejido antes con la misma lana, y le había quedado corto (pero me sobró una madeja, así que esta vez debería andar).
I don't know exactly what kind of yarn it is, or how much I have, since it is yarn reclaimed from a sweater I knit for him quite some time ago. It turned out too short, but I had a hank left, so it should be enough.
Es un hilado muy lind, bien redondeado, los ochos salen bien resaltados y gorditos.
The yarn is quite nice, well rounded, the stitches show up nice and chubby, I like it.
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Thursday, 26 February 2009
Encuesta / Poll
¡Gracias por responderme!
Remember the last poll I set up? According to your votes, I'll keep responding to you within the comments.
Thank you for taking the time to answer!
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Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Tiñamos lana / Let's dye some wool
This is how I did it.
El elenco: anilina, lana, agua, vinagre, sal, balde (en este caso, uno viejo y manchado), polietileno, planchas de polietileno rígido. Guantes de latex para la próxima.
Cast: dye, wool, water, vinegar, salt, bucket (a quite old and stained one in this case), nylon bags, rigid poliestirene planks. For next time: latex gloves.
1. Remojar la lana 1 hora con agua fría y vinagre (pueden ver fotos acá). No sé si el vinagre era necesario.
1. Let the wool sit for 1 hour in a cold water and vinegar bath (see pictures here). I don't know if the vinegar was really necessary.
2. Preparar la anilina según las instrucciones del fabricante: disolver en agua hirviendo con 1 cucharada de sal gruesa por litro. Para obtener un color oscuro, usé 3 cucharaditas generosas de té por litro de agua.
2. Prepare the dye as per the manufaturer's instructions: solve in boiling water with 1 tablespoon of cooking salt per liter of water. To obtain a dark color, I used 3 generous teaspoons of dye per liter.
3. Poner la mezcla en un balde y dejar enfriar. Luego sumergir la lana sin que el agua la tape por completo.
3. Put mixture in the bucket and let it ccol. Then, submerge the wool without covering it completely.
4. El sobre de anilina indicaba que había que esperar 45 minutos para completar el proceso. Fui sacando la lana de a poco, en 4 secciones, cada 10 minutos aprox.
4. The dye package said the whole process should take 45 minutos. So I took 1/4 of the hank out of the bucket at regular intervals (every 10 minutes or so).
Acá pueden ver para qué use el polietileno. En la mesada puse bolsas de nylon y encima estas planchitas de plástico rígido.
You can see here what did I use the poliestere for. I put some plastic bags on the counter, and these rigid poliestirene planks on top of that.
Menos mal que puse el plástico, miren, y luego imaginen cómo hubiera quedado mi mesada de mármol si no hubiera tenido esta precaución:
It was a good thing, look at this and then imagine how my marble counter would have looked had I not been so cautious.
Otra cosa, hay que usar guantes. ¡Mis dedos quedaron azules!
Oh, one more thing: use gloves. My fingers were definately blue after this!
To be continued...
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Monday, 23 February 2009
Medias de cashmere / Cashmere socks
I'm knitting this socks for myself, using a wool and cashmere blend. I love these colores together. I know it looks as if I'm always hungry when knitting, but they make me think of creme caramel and pistaccio ice cream.
Las estoy tejiendo con agujas de bambú número 2,25. Me encantan estas agujas, son cortas, de 13 cms, extremadamente cómodas.
I'm using 2,25 mm bamboo neeldes. I love them, they are very short, 13 cms, and extremely comfortable.
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Sunday, 22 February 2009
Jabón / Soap
If you like home-made soap, you can visit this blog (bilingual) for a giveaway
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Friday, 20 February 2009
Por unos ovillos / It only takes some wool
Steffi is a german girl who was vacationing in Argentina. Before coming here, she sent a message to the Argentine artisans forum in Ravelry, offering to bring knitting supplies. She is not only a knitter, but works in a yarn shop in Munich.
El jueves nos encontramos y charlamos un ratito café de por medio. Es una chica adorable. Y además de eso, no me trajo un ovillo. Me trajo cuatro. Que con su descuento de empleada y un poco de buena onda que le puso, me terminó saliendo un precio más razonable que lo que yo calculaba. Ahora tengo cuatro ovillos de lana para medias a rayitas, IUJU! Lo que me costó volver a la oficina... me quería ir a casa a admirar mis nuevas adquisiciones!
We met for coffe on Thrusday, she turned out to be a lovely girl. And in adition to that, she brought me not one, but four balls of sockyarn. With her emplyoee discount and some generosity on her part, costed me less than what I had expected. Going back to my office was very hard, I just wanted to go home and admire my newest acquisitions!
Así que ya saben, desde el jueves pasado, Steffi es nueva mejor amiga. Porque me trae lana
So you know now, since last Thrusday, Steffi is my new best friend. Cause she brings me wool ;-)
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Thursday, 19 February 2009
Tejido y demencia / Knitting and dementia
¡Vamos por buen camino!
Not the newest news, I know, but I was reading this article in BBC News that states how knitting reduces the risk of senile dementia and memory loss by 40%
We are in the good track!
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Botones, elecciones / Button choices
Hi there! I've finished my cardigan, it's been blocked, all ends tucked in, but I'm missing the collar button. I can't decide between these two, I like them both. Any help choosing?
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Wednesday, 18 February 2009
¿Teñimos lana? / Shoud we dye some wool?
Since I'm obesessing about wool dyeing, I decided to torture a hank of the Footscray sockyarn I bought. Remember? It's 75% super superwash merino and 25% nylon.
Al desnudo:
In the nude:
Retozando en un baño de agua fría con vinagre.
Lazyly swimming in a cold water and vinegar bath.
Y esta es la anilina que voy a usar. Mis experiencias con la Colibrí se limitan a mi adolescencia, cuando tuve una época en que teñí de negro casi todo lo que tenía, ante la preocupación de mi mamá (no se si por mi look o porque a ella le tocaba limpiar), con resultados variables.
Como ven, voy a intentar con un azul marino.
And this is my dye. My experiences with this dye brand are limited to my teen years, when I went through a phase when I dyed black almost every garment I had, to the consternation of my mother (I still don't know if that owed to my new look or to the fact that she would have to clean my mess). Results were sometimes inconsistent. As you see, I'm going for navy blue.
To be continued...
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Tuesday, 17 February 2009
La Enfermedad como Camino / The Healing Power of Illness
Monday, 16 February 2009
Acoso / Harrasment
Síganme, persíganme, acósenme!
Follow me, chase me, harrass me!
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Fuente / Platter
Está hecho en gres, pintado con pigmento de cobre, y en las rajaduras tiene esmalte Duncan negro metalizado y algo de pasta de oro.
This is a platter I did in the workshop. It's rustic a serving platter, or centerpiece. It's stoneware, painted with copper pigment. The cracks are stained with metallic black Duncan enamel and rubbed with some gold paste.
Saturday, 14 February 2009
February lady sweater vs Shalom
I can't make my mind, and I come to you to help me decide. That's what you are here for, right?
La cosa es que no sé bien que tejerme.
Thing is: I don't know what to knit for myself next.
¿Me tejo el Shalom? (Meghan McFarlane)
Do I knit a Shalom sweater? (Meghan McFarlane)
parece muuuuy fácil de hacer.
* ¿Será usable así sin mangas? (en Buenos Aires no hace tanto frío, así que podría ser)
* Lo veo demasiado "tejeril", como algo que sólo una tejedora se pondría.
Pros: It looks fairly easy to knit
* How much would I get from a sleevless sweater?
It's not that cold in Buenos Aires, so maybe I would use it.
* Doesn't it look too knitterly? Like something only a knitter would wear?
O me tejo el February Lady Sweater (Pamela Wynne)
Pro: Parece fácil y tiene calados.
Contra: Tengo miedo de que la parte de Santa Clara se estire demasiado y me quede una bolsa.
Or do I knit the February Lady Sweater?
Pros: it also looks fairly easy, and there is some lace in there.
Cons: I'm a bit scared that the yoke will stretch and I'll end up owing a sack.
Voy a usar esta lana:
This is the yarn I'll use:
Así que: / So:
February Lady Sweater o Shalom?
Friday, 13 February 2009
Feliz Día del Soltero / Happy Singles Day
Halloween: jaloqué??? está taaaan de moda en las escuelas privadas bilingües, no gordi?. Tan típica celebración argentina. ¿Habrá disfraz de mazamorrera fantasma?
San Patrick: abrime esa birrita con tapa a rrrosca, HIC!
Saint Patrick: open that beer bottle for me, dear... HIC!
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Hipotiroidismo / Hypothiroidism
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
After the previous post, I thought of sharing this pic of my stash with you.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Unas lanitas / Some yarn
Ah, how weak the flesh is... But as I heard some time ago, painters don't do just one painting at a time, nor do they have one tube of paint and one brush, right? So, these being the elements of my art/craft...
Adiciones a mi tiendita de lanas.
Recent aditions to mi future yarn store.
1. Acrílico. Tweed verde (estaba en oferta y me gusta el color): dos madejitas = 400 grs, en Yanabey.
1. Acrylic. Green tweed (it was on sale and I liked the color): two hanks = 400 grs, at Yanabey.
2. Raffia, de Disma. Para tejer una carterita. Un sólo ovillo de 100 grs. Más que suficiente. Como de costumbre, mi cámara hace lo que gusta con el color. Es un tono entre champán y beige bien clarito.
2. Raffia from Disma. To knit a little bag. Just one 100 grs ball. More than enough. As usual, my camera can't really get the color right. It's something between champagne and very light beige.
3. Algodón con microfibra de Lana Grossa, comprado en Filato. Es bien gordito y multicolor, predominan el amarillo y el naranja. Compré 2 ovillitos de 50 grs para hacerme un cuellito o algo chiquito.
3. Cotton and microfiber from Lana Grossa, from Filato. It's very squishy and multicolored, mostly yellow and orange. I got 2 balls, 50 grs each, to knit a cowl or some little thing of that sort.
4. This is the more questionable purchase. I bought it because it made me think of a canary (actually, it reminded me of Narciso, the birdie I had when I was a kid. I don't know why all pets have people names in this household: Narciso the bird, Jorge the cat, Pancho the dog. Any of you is perchance a shrink?) Now that I think of it, knitting something out of a canary sounds a bit gory... anyhow it's 50 grs for another cowlish thingie (I have no yellow cowlish thingies yet!).
Now tell me the truth, doesn't it look like canary feathers?
5. Y una de las mejores compras. No sólo porque son dos madejas de Manos, si no porque fue un cambio que hice en Milana del hilado que compré para este cardi. Me había sobrado una madeja entera, y como era bastante caro, me alcanzó para dos madejas de Manos (bah, tuve que poner una diferencia mínima).
Por otra parte, intenté nuevamente devolver esto en la innombrable tiendita del horror. Pero no hubo caso, ahora no me lo cambiaron porque no tenía la factura. Parece que este animalito quiere vivir conmigo. A estas alturas, veo dos opciones. O le pongo nombre (que tal Roberto? ver punto 4.) y lo adopto, o organizo un concurso en el blog. La/El que NO postea un comentario, se lleva a Roberto. No digan que no les avisé...
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Do you remember that when I finished Muir I promised you better pictures?
Bueno, acá están:
Well, here they are:
Friday, 6 February 2009
Forro / Lining
Sólo que aún no sé con cuál de estos géneros forrar el bolso. ¿Cuál les gusta más?
1. Cuerina roja / Red leatherette
2. Taffeta gris-celeste /Grey-light bluish taffeta
3. Algodón bordado rosado / Light pink embroidered cotton
4. Taffeta gris / Grey taffeta
5. Punzonado anaranjado / Orange fabric-paper
6. Punzonado violeta / Purple fabric-paper
Temas de este blog
- a la cabeza - head things
- al cuello - neck things
- alfareria-pottery
- bijou
- blogsinteresantes-Niceblogs
- bolsos-bags
- cancer de tiroides-thyroid cancer
- cardigans
- chalecos-vests
- chales-shawls-calados-lace
- cozy
- cronicas del bunker-the bunker chronicles
- frogpond
- hasta las manos - hand things
- hilado - spinning
- KIP 2009
- lecturas-reading
- marcadores de puntos-stitch counters
- medias-socks
- obras-home improvement
- Pancho
- Papá-Dad
- para niños - kiddie things
- poll
- ravelympics
- reflexiones-thoughts-idle talking
- reunión-meeting
- Seguime
- stash
- sweater del día-sweater of the day
- Sweaters
- tejidos terminados-finished knits
- tejidos terminados-finished knits manta-blanket
- tejidos-knitting
- teñido-dyeing
- tops livianos - summer tops
- vesicula-gallbladder